(Moonlight Reader's rule post)
1. Author is a woman: Poulets grillés par Sophie Hénaff (2 dice: 2+6 = 8)
9. Author's last name begins with the letters H, I, J, or K: Blood Price by Tanya Huff (4+4 = 8)
17. Genre: horror: Salvage: a Ghost Story by Duncan Ralston (2 dice: 3+6 = 9)
26. Part of a series that is more than 5 books long: An Excellent Mystery by Ellis Peters [Cadfael #11] (6+5 = 11)
37. Has won an award: The Library at Mount Char by Scott Hawkins (1 die: 4)
41. Characters involved in politics: The Division Bell Mystery by Ellen Wilkinson (2 dice: 3+6 = 9)
50. Has a domestic animal on the cover: The Snake, the Crocodile and the Dog by Elizabeth Peters (4+3 = 7)
57. Was published more than 50 years ago: Podkayne of Mars by Robert A. Heinlein
I combine this with a couple of short stories from The New Voices of Science Fiction to be sure to hit the 200 page count mark.
62. Cover is more than 50% green
Well if I'm going to combine this with BL-opoly, I'm thinking a visit to the Roman empire is in order...