Sometimes this book is heavy and serious, with blacklisted police still trying to do their job and investigates old crimes, etc, and sometimes we get exchanges like this:
– Non, c’est mon fils. Il veut devenir coiffeur, alors je le laisse faire. Je lui donne deux euros et comme ça, il est content, il apprend.
Ce sacrifice capillaire sur l’autel de la paternité attendrit Capestan.
– Il a quel âge, ton fils ?
– Neuf ans. Je sais, c’est pas parfait, mais bon. Le pauvre, il a des ciseaux à bout rond.
(The guy lets his nine-year-old kid cut his hair with scissors with rounded tips.)
I just don't know what to say to that. Also, just how many kids does Torrez have? 3? 4?