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Not so much a blog; just lots of books

Currently reading

The Grace Year
Kim Liggett
The New Voices of Science Fiction
Jamie Wahls, Sarah Pinkser, Vina Jie-Min Prasad, Rebecca Roanhorse, S. Qiouyi Lu, Darcie Little Badger, Kelly Robson, Nino Cipri, Amal El-Mohtar, Sam J. Miller, E. Lily Yu, Alice Sola Kim, Suzanne Palmer, Alexander Weinstein, Rich Larson
Progress: 13%
Engineering Animals: How Life Works
Alan Mcfadzean, Mark Denny
Progress: 125/314pages
The Rise of Yeast: How the Sugar Fungus Shaped Civilization
Nicholas P. Money
Conservation of Shadows
Yoon Ha Lee
Progress: 22%
Le premier jour
Marc Levy
Progress: 180/496pages
Moby-Dick: or, The Whale (Penguin Classics)
Herman Melville
Manifold: Time
Stephen Baxter, Chris Schluep
Progress: 99/480pages
The Long War
Stephen Baxter, Terry Pratchett
Progress: 68/501pages

A Necessary End by Peter Robinson (audiobook)

A Necessary End (Inspector Banks #3) - James Langton, Peter   Robinson

Series: Inspector Banks #3


I'm reading this series out of order (I read book 3 before book 2) because of library availability and because I was looking for something written by a man that I could finish relatively quickly for the Snakes & Ladders game.


I have to say that I really enjoyed the narration (although it seems like the last second or so was cut off from several chapters) and the mystery was interesting enough to keep me guessing. It was also weird reading about everyone smoking and using their cigarette lighters to actually light their cigarettes rather than to charge their iphones (it was published in 1988). It made me realize that it's been many, many years since I've even seen an ashtray. 


Anyway, now book 2 has become available so I'll probably continue with that.