Series: The Memoirs of Lady Trent #1
I've been meaning to read this for quite a while, so when I saw it in my library's overdrive offerings, I figured it would make a good choice for my next audiobook (I seem to find it so much easier to get through audiobooks these days). Now I can finally return the print copy that my friend lent me...
Anyway, what we have here is a retrospective story of the main character's early days after having led a prestigious career as a natural historian who specialized in dragons. The world is a Victorian clone with different place names (England is Scirland and so on) and with actual dragons in the world.
I think this probably worked better for me as an audiobook, so I think I'll be continuing the series that way. I thought it was pretty good, and the MC thought trousers felt weird the first time she put them on (I'm referring to the trope of the woman wearing trousers for the first time finding them comfortable that I brought up in one of the 24 Festive Tasks task), but I just don't have much to say about it.