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Not so much a blog; just lots of books

Currently reading

The Grace Year
Kim Liggett
The New Voices of Science Fiction
Jamie Wahls, Sarah Pinkser, Vina Jie-Min Prasad, Rebecca Roanhorse, S. Qiouyi Lu, Darcie Little Badger, Kelly Robson, Nino Cipri, Amal El-Mohtar, Sam J. Miller, E. Lily Yu, Alice Sola Kim, Suzanne Palmer, Alexander Weinstein, Rich Larson
Progress: 13%
Engineering Animals: How Life Works
Alan Mcfadzean, Mark Denny
Progress: 125/314pages
The Rise of Yeast: How the Sugar Fungus Shaped Civilization
Nicholas P. Money
Conservation of Shadows
Yoon Ha Lee
Progress: 22%
Le premier jour
Marc Levy
Progress: 180/496pages
Moby-Dick: or, The Whale (Penguin Classics)
Herman Melville
Manifold: Time
Stephen Baxter, Chris Schluep
Progress: 99/480pages
The Long War
Stephen Baxter, Terry Pratchett
Progress: 68/501pages

A Conspiracy in Belgravia by Sherry Thomas (audiobook)

A Conspiracy in Belgravia - Sherry Thomas

Series: Lady Sherlock #2


After enjoying the first one so much, I felt like Halloween Bingo gave me a good excuse to dive right into the second one. This one ended up being all spies and agents and codes, but there was a murder thrown in there so that's the square I'm going to be using this for.


I have to say that I really enjoy reading about Charlotte. There's just something that I like about her. I could have done without being treated to the details of Livia's literary pursuits, however. It comes across as trying too hard to wrap everything into the Sherlock Holmes mythos, and I find it unnecessary. 


It looks like the third book will be out early October, but since I've been enjoying the audio so much, I'm not sure if my library will have the audio soon enough for me to use it for Halloween Bingo. I must be running out of possible squares for these books anyway, shouldn't I?


I'm counting this for the "Murder Most Foul" square.



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