Series: Lychford #1
A supermarket chain is trying to build a new store in Lychford that promises to reroute traffic in the area in such a way as to break down the barriers between the worlds and bring about the end of the world. Of course, they're not selling it that way. They're going for the much needed jobs and subsequent boost to the local economy angle.
Who's to stand in their way? An elderly hedge witch, a non-believer who owns a magic shop, and the vicar, apparently. It took me about a third of the way through this novella before I started liking it and I found the ending to be a bit anti-climatic, but it was an interesting read that left enough threads dangling that I'll probably pick up the next one. This is fortunate, because I went to the trouble of requesting the second book from the library at the same time as I requested the first.
I read this for the "Witches" square for the Halloween Bingo. It could also be used for "In the dark, dark woods", "Supernatural", "Monsters", and maybe "Haunted Houses".